News / Lamb Blanket
Popular Baptism Gifts
The new baby gifts for baptism and christening are becoming very popular on the Serenity Gifts web site, and we’ve recently added some new items to our page for you to enjoy. Some guard
ian angel statues with a beautiful message “”Sweet smiles, tiny toes, may this baby be blessed wherever he/ she goes” – so adorable. They’re very popular and already becoming a best seller. We have also fallen in love with the cuddly lamb blanket and he's become one of our fastest sellers this week, so we're so thankful that you love him too! At Serenity Gifts you will find lots of Baptism gifts, Catholic Christening gifts and Dedication day gifts including: Catholic child's baptismal bible, baptism plaque, Christening photo frame, Baptism photo frame, baby's silver plated Noah cutlery set, baby's first rosary beads, cradle cross, Baptism cross, Christening cross, Noah's ark photo frame, Guardian angel wall cross and baby's little bible. We hope you enjoy browsing through our gift selection to find the ideal Baptism, Christening or Dedication day gift.
We are always trying to find new and different baptism and christening gifts, so if you have any special requests then please don’t hesitate to email us with your thoughts and we will do our utmost to help, we love to hear from our customers! May all your prayers and thoughts be filled with God’s everlasting love, light and wonder.
You can view all our Baptism and Baby Gifts here: